Important Q&A’s related to Data Science Career

Tech Table
4 min readMay 24, 2021


Written by Sahana L Naik and Edited by Rakesh Raushan

Here is a glimpse of the questions raised by our viewers in the program.

A common thought process in everyone’s mind: “First you learn, then you earn”. How to find job opportunities in this field?

Do you think your personality, talent, or whatever you are, can be put in some sheets or pages and name as resume and take it everywhere?.

Then what shall we do? Here’s the great answer.

Practice takes you nearer to Perfection, there, it starts.

Prove your stand in this world and start letting people know about you.

Here are some tips:

Do as many projects as you can and have their documentation.

Put as many job applications as you can and reply to the one who has responded if you think that’s right for you.

Along with the point above, the most important is networking and socializing. Yeah, you heard it right. Come out of your comfort zone. Try new things that can help you and share them with the world. Like, if you haven’t spoken on any platform before, you can try it and share it with people.

Research: attend good webinars or talks that can help you get through your way and read good blogs or analyze statistics related to your field.

What is the impact of data science on the world and people?

Ans: We are playing with the own data we are generating. As an ethical advocate shared some points regarding the legal side of this.

*Building responsible and transparent artificial intelligence: analyzing every data that we generate, as normal human beings are taken into account to build a good future. And the main part of that future relates to good technology and AI system.

This is not so simple. This is done by considering some legal aspects such as:

  • It is checked whether the accessed data is Real and unbiased Fair data.
  • It is also checked whether personal info is masked.
  • It is checked whether data processing obeys all the data policies.

*Marketing: This is purely and almost completely based on the data of users, a data helps, in knowing about the products that are in great use and those that are not.

What online resources are helpful for learning any course in general?

Go to any online platform like Coursera, Geeks for geeks, Tech Table, etc. Learn the basics and then start exploring the good problems. Take a problem related to your course from the known websites. Try doing it by yourself. When it comes to coding, try coding on an online platform and learn from everything you see and read.

Seeing everything from a different perspective is my Mantra to success.

Are any previous knowledge required to get into data science?

Your passion drives you to your goal. The hard-working nature of Sai Shruthi makes her to say that at whichever level you may be in your passion and dedication can carry you up to any height. All you want is to discover in your field and start practicing.

Everyone keeps saying the word practice but it can be only understood when you really do it.

“Practice doesn’t make man perfect. Perfect practice makes man perfect”.

Are you passionate? Then learning is fun for you.

Is it right to say that a person from non-CS background gets a low chance to get into this field?

You may find a master’s degree or Ph.D. in any CS courses on the required qualification list.

That’s obvious to worry about if you don’t have one. Did our lives end? Obviously not. As mentioned before step out of your comfort zone, talk to the community, let people know your talent, learn new things and start practicing.

What are the subjects of mathematics we need to have knowledge in if we choose data science?

Statistics, Probability, and Calculus are some major parts of maths that you will deal with. If you choose your career in data science.

I’m in my last year of college and I will be sitting for placement soon as I want to take data science as my carrier but I’m new to it. How would you suggest I deal with the time crunch?

Start taking a course in some good platforms like Coursera related to the field you want but stick to one platform and perform well. Take new projects frequently, solve them. Correct yourself from the mistakes you have done and learn to arrange your projects into a data story and circulate them.

Learn the concepts especially match in deeper in order to sustain for a long time in this field.

What are the mistakes that you would want us to avoid in taking an internship or job?

According to Sai Shruthi’s experience. She suggested some of the points.

  1. Know your company if they are credible.
  2. Know your company’s revenue stream.
  3. Know how that business model works.
  4. Know about those people who deal with the company and learn about them in this area, you can access those details on LinkedIn.
  5. Know the person who you are joining or by whom you are being interviewed.

When you attend the interview, let them know that you have already researched about them and convey your any particular talent will help their company grow in this direction. This is how you sell your talent. Sell your talent for a good purpose, to a good price or prize.

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